Young man doing a dumbbell chest fly at the gym

Chest fly exercises are just a few exercises that can work the chest muscle. Chest flies offer the best chest workout since they target the lower chest, upper chest, shoulder blade, upper arm, etc. This article will provide you with a list of the best chest fly exercise options to practice to build better upper body strength.  What Is a Chest Fly Exercise? Chest fly exercises are a type of workout many people do to strengthen their chest, shoulders, and arms. […]

Closeup of fitness battle ropes lie on black floor in gym

A battling rope, or battle rope, can be used as a training rope to increase overall strength. Some battle rope training exercises are great for people who want a challenging full-body workout. Still, some pro battle ropes require the assistance of a personal trainer or fitness professional. This article will help deduce what the best battle rope exercises are and how you can do them without a personal trainer and still gain all the benefits this workout style has to […]

heavily muscled man doing a sumo deadlift in a gym

Sumo deadlifts are deadlifts that require a wider stance than more conventional deadlifts. These workouts help the lifter target multiple muscle groups and tend to allow them to lift a heavier weight than a standard deadlift would.  What Are Sumo Deadlifts? Sumo deadlifts are a fun take on the standard barbell deadlift exercise that most people are familiar with. This deadlift variation allows people to add some spice to their regular workout routine. Unlike the bench press, deadlifts target more […]

people working out with dumbbells

We all have goals. But, many people do not focus on the need for health and fitness goals. Only 23% of Americans ages 18 to 64 are getting the recommended amount of exercise. If you have not been reaching your health goals, there is no better time than now. Learning to work out effectively is great for your mental and physical health. Exercise is said to reduce anxiety, depression, and negative moods. It also can improve your self-confidence. This is one […]

woman doing an ab workout in the gym

Upper ab workouts can be used to strengthen the muscles above your belly button and below your chest. Upper ab muscles improve our posture, protect our spine and organs, and simply move us around. Whether you’re looking to hit the gym, or get in a quiet workout at home, upper ab workouts can be done anywhere. Sometimes it can be hard for us to get to the gym. Our days are busy! Other times working out at home can be […]

shirtless fit man carrying his fit girlfriend on his back

What is Sexercise and How to Do It Sexercise is a physical activity similar to cardio exercise, aerobic exercise, or anaerobic exercise that can help someone have better sex. This article will explain how these workouts can help sexual performance and mental health as well as improve your overall physical health. Sexercise Sexercise is a new form of working out that is optimal for encouraging physical fitness while also helping people better their sex lives. By combining the similarities sex […]